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What You’ll Learn:

  • The importance of words
    the words we say can build up or break down
  • How daily habits affect our lives
    daily choices lead us down the path of success
  • Why it’s critical to find your ‘why’
    a meanful ‘why’ sets the tone of your daily effort
  • How gratitude can greatly influence success
    gratitude can change everything

What You’ll Get:

  • Personalized Challenge Homepage
    customize your page and join a community of like-minded people
  • Daily Tracking Log
    track completion of your daily actions in one convenient place
  • Daily Boosts of Inspiration
    daily messages, quotes and training to encourage & inspire
  • Downloadable Resources
    download meal plans, workout plans, reading lists, and more
“When you positively change your thoughts and words, that action powers the beneficial habits that form an amazing, transformed lifestyle.”

~ Rocky Detwiler